On Wednesday 1st May 2019, Inventum Consulting will host the first of a series of special live networking breakfast events in central London.
At a time when we’re all looking for best practice and innovation about workplace inclusion, join us for ‘Lifting the Bonnet’, a talk and Q&A session with Streisan Bevan, a former senior leader at Facebook. Streisan will share insights and lessons learnt while running the Diversity & Inclusion employment program at Facebook Tech in London.
To reserve your seat at this free networking breakfast event, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lifting-the-bonnet-diversity-inclusion-experiences-at-facebook-tickets-59339481988 Be quick! Tickets are going fast…
Hosted by Inventum Consulting - The inclusion, Diversity and Engagement Consultancy. (Part of the Wells Tobias Group)